About Us

Speedzo is a static food delivery website made using HTML and CSS, this website was made to study and achieve responsiveness of website, to make this website compatible to most of the devices, we have set media queries so that, when website is displayed on any device, that particular media query shall be fired so that, content of the website is visible as per device specifications.

For now this website has four sections i.e HOME, ABOUT US, SERVICES and CONTACT US. Each section is made such that it's content is visible and compatible to most of the devices. In services sections, we have kept three services as of now i.e Fast-Food delivery, Fresh Vegetables & Fresh Fruits.

Each services has CTA buttons(Order Now), so the user can interact with the website and make his order, however javascript file is yet to be linked to this website so, it gives desired results when CTA is triggered. In the course of time, we shall link this file to website. Till then stay connected to us for more updates.

Thank You For visiting Speedzo!!







